Qafila Market Update September 2024 – Shopper Mindsets and Peak Season Trends 

As we approach the peak retail season, the commitment to understanding evolving consumer mindsets is more crucial than ever. With online retail search interest growing steadily, the last peak season saw a record-breaking $1 trillion in sales during November and December. Companies should focus their strategies around understanding four key shopper mindsets—deliberate, deal-seeking, determined, and devoted—each requiring targeted engagement strategies to maximize effectiveness. 

Understanding Shopper Mindsets to Tailor Strategies for Peak Season Success

As brands prepare for the upcoming peak retail season, a deep understanding of diverse shopper mindsets is essential for crafting targeted marketing strategies that resonate with each group. By identifying and addressing the unique characteristics and preferences of different shopper types, companies can optimize engagement and enhance sales performance. 

Deliberate Shoppers

*Source: Think with Google Research 

These shoppers are notable for their methodical approach to purchasing, valuing thorough research and careful planning. 

Characteristics Strategies 
These shoppers start planning their purchases months in advance, are budget-conscious, and meticulously research to make informed decisions. Initiate early engagement through tailored email campaigns, detailed product guides, and pre-season webinars to help them make informed decisions. Introduce interactive planning tools that assist them in budgeting and selecting the perfect products. 

Deal-Seeking Shoppers

Focused on maximizing value, these shoppers are driven by deals and savings, actively seeking the best prices. 

Characteristics Strategies 
Active mainly from October to November, these shoppers hunt for the best deals, emphasizing value and quality. Leverage countdown timers and real-time deal alerts to create a sense of urgency. Implement dynamic pricing strategies to offer competitive pricing and use targeted ads to reach them at the moment of decision-making. 

Determined Shoppers

With a clear goal in mind, these shoppers want a streamlined shopping experience that allows for quick and decisive action. 

Characteristics Strategies 
In the final rush of the season in December, these shoppers are focused on quick, efficient purchasing. Optimize the checkout process to minimize friction and deploy last-minute promotions. Use geotargeting to offer personalized store pickup options, and ensure your mobile platforms are streamlined for quick transactions. 

Devoted Shoppers

*Source: Think with Google Research 

Their loyalty extends beyond the typical shopping season, showing engagement even after the peak periods. 

Characteristics Strategies 
Post-season, these shoppers look for after-holiday deals and are loyal to brands that continue to engage them.  Offer exclusive January promotions and deepen engagement through personalized thank-you messages and previews of upcoming products. Implement a rewards program that incentivizes future purchases.  

Leveraging Data Analytics to Predict Shopper Behavior

Data analytics plays a pivotal role in enhancing operational efficiency and customer satisfaction. By delving into historical sales data, customer segmentation, predictive analytics, and maintaining an omnichannel strategy, brands can anticipate consumer needs and align their services to meet those demands effectively. 

  • Analyze Historical Sales Data: Dive deep into previous seasons’ data to forecast trends and prepare inventories and marketing strategies effectively. 
  • Customer Segmentation: Use detailed customer profiles to tailor marketing strategies that resonate with different segments during various phases of the buying cycle. 
  • Predictive Analytics: Implement tools to predict future purchasing behaviors, allowing for better stock and staff allocation. 
  • Omnichannel Strategy: Maintain a unified approach across all sales channels to ensure a seamless customer journey, from online browsing to in-store purchasing. 

Incorporating External Insights

To remain competitive and responsive in the fast-evolving retail landscape, brands should integrate cutting-edge insights from various external sources. These strategies ensure that marketing efforts are not only current but also resonant with our diverse customer base. 

  • Mobile Optimization: With a significant volume of traffic coming from mobile devices, ensuring that all platforms are optimized for mobile is critical. 
  • Personalized Email Marketing: Develop segmented email marketing strategies that cater directly to the interests and past behaviors of different customer segments to enhance open rates and conversions. 
  • Social Proof and Urgency: Use customer reviews and ratings to build trust and display limited time offers to create urgency, driving quicker decision-making. 

Peak Shopping Season Strategy in the UAE

The peak shopping season in the UAE is a critical period for retailers, encompassing several key events that drive significant consumer spending. This strategy guide outlines how retailers can optimize their approach to capitalize on these high-traffic periods, focusing on Black Friday and the Holiday Season. 

Black Friday Dynamics

Black Friday remains a crucial event in the UAE retail calendar. Consumer behavior during this period is characterized by extensive online research, with 61% of MENA shoppers using Google Search specifically for Black Friday research. Search trends show that “promo code” queries peak during this week, indicating a strong consumer interest in discounts and deals. 

  • Consumer Anticipation: Insights from 2019 show a significant increase in searches related to Black Friday sales weeks before the event, highlighting the importance of early campaign starts. 
  • Targeting Key Demographics: Retailers should focus on diverse audience strategies, targeting demographics like technology enthusiasts and bargain hunters, and employing remarketing tactics to engage previous visitors. 

Holiday Season Shopping Trends

The holiday shopping season is the busiest moment of the year for most retailers. In 2019, 83% of shoppers planned to do their holiday shopping on mobile apps, highlighting the importance of a mobile-first approach. Gift-related searches typically peak during the third week of December, providing retailers with a key timeframe for targeted marketing efforts. 

  • Extended Digital Interaction: Post-Black Friday, the shopping fervor continues into December, with a focus on fashion, toys, and beauty products. 
  • Consumer Behavior Insights: Data indicates that a majority of UAE consumers are planning to increase their online spending, which calls for retailers to prepare for a surge in online shopping activities. 


As the peak shopping season unfolds in the UAE, starting with Black Friday, retailers are well-positioned to maximize this period through strategic planning and advanced digital tactics. By starting campaigns early, optimizing digital platforms for mobile use, and engaging with diverse consumer demographics, businesses can enhance brand visibility and drive substantial sales. Continuing to engage customers with personalized marketing throughout the season will not only boost immediate sales but also build enduring customer relationships, solidifying brand loyalty and setting the stage for future success. 

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